Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe that missions is the very core of our lives, as Christ's own, and a command from Jesus to those who saw Him as He rose to heaven, and to all those after them. In John 17:20-21 Jesus prayed: 20 "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
We are to take His strength of Faith and His unfailing Love which abides IN us, to those we meet
daily, as well as all across the earth! Every human that Jesus shed His blood for, needs the Life
and the miracle working power that we carry. We at EOCI endeavor to reach all nations - all
ethnos, every culture, and every subculture with the Love of our God! We are commanded to
“Go therefore”. As we seek Holy Spirit in every day to guide and lead us, there are no limits on
the geographic areas we can reach, from our local communities, to world-wide opportunities our
purpose is to be obedient to the call of our Lord and make disciplined ones, who know how to be
led by Holy Spirit and to meet the needs of every person and to help them fulfill the call of God
in each life, spreading God’s Great Love.
We are to take His strength of Faith and His unfailing Love which abides IN us, to those we meet
daily, as well as all across the earth! Every human that Jesus shed His blood for, needs the Life
and the miracle working power that we carry. We at EOCI endeavor to reach all nations - all
ethnos, every culture, and every subculture with the Love of our God! We are commanded to
“Go therefore”. As we seek Holy Spirit in every day to guide and lead us, there are no limits on
the geographic areas we can reach, from our local communities, to world-wide opportunities our
purpose is to be obedient to the call of our Lord and make disciplined ones, who know how to be
led by Holy Spirit and to meet the needs of every person and to help them fulfill the call of God
in each life, spreading God’s Great Love.

Active Missionaries
These are the missionaries that we at Embassy Of Christ currently support in the global mission field.

Brett & Bobbie Scudder
Scudder Family Ministries
Our vision is to strengthen & stabilize the church in Africa. We do this by training church leaders through SMTI Bible School, conferences and mentorship.
Our vision is to strengthen & stabilize the church in Africa. We do this by training church leaders through SMTI Bible School, conferences and mentorship.
Lourdes Tricerri
Taking A Leap of Faith Ministries
To reach the unreached by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of children and people of all ages – and all ethnic groups! We accomplish this through short term and long terms missions led by Lourdes Tricerri, who will work on establishing a permanently partnered ministry located in the cities and towns, where the Lord has commissioned us.
To reach the unreached by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of children and people of all ages – and all ethnic groups! We accomplish this through short term and long terms missions led by Lourdes Tricerri, who will work on establishing a permanently partnered ministry located in the cities and towns, where the Lord has commissioned us.