Robert Gregory
Senior Pastor
Who am I?
I recognized the call of God to salvation and to ministry in August, 1973. Although I grew up attending church, as part of a family of Christian believers, I chose to pursue professional involvement in advanced manufacturing technologies and secular music instead. Both fields of endeavor yielded good accomplishments, but no ‘heart satisfaction.’ Years later, in October, 1988, I once again heard the distinct call of the Heavenly Father, calling me to Himself, and to preparation for a life in ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This time, I listened intently, and made the quality decision to be led by the Holy Spirit into the fullness of God’s Plan for my life.
My Journey:
Since March 31, 1989, I have been focused on preaching, teaching, and healing in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Also, in early 1989, I received two directives from the Holy Spirit:
1) “Advance the Kingdom of God” and, 2) “No More Church As Usual.” As a result, “Advance Ministries” was launched, and remains as the central outreach ministry of my appointment by God. My focused intent is to feed the Body of Christ with the fullness of God’s Word, and the fullness of God’s Spirit, causing the people of God to grow up into the maturity of Christ, and come into ‘unity of the faith,’ in readiness for the Catching Away that is coming.
During the last twenty-two years, I have enjoyed serving the Body of Christ in the capacities of interim pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, prison/jail minister, teaching pastor, and missionary. I’ve pastored and/or ministered in many different denominational churches, as well as many inter and non-denominational churches and fellowships. My prison/jail work has reached into penal facilities at the county, state, and federal levels, in most of the states of the U.S. Foreign missions have taken me into seven different countries in Africa, as well as England, Canada, and Mexico. And, current plans include missions into India, and additional countries in Africa.
In 1999, with my wife and best friend Sherry, I co-founded “Embassy Of Christ, Inc.”, a full-gospel, Word of Faith 501(c)3 non-profit church corporation, with “Advance Ministries” as a licensed outreach ministry. This Holy Spirit-baptized congregation of truly world-outreaching believers is located primarily in Evansville, Indiana; endearingly renamed “Heavensville.”
What I do?
Through Biblical apostolic anointings, I endeavor to remain a ‘man after God’s Own heart.’ “Embassy Of Christ” / “Advance Ministries” is a ‘heart’ ministry from the ‘Heart’ of the Father, to people who need the Reality of Christ Jesus throughout the world.
I recognized the call of God to salvation and to ministry in August, 1973. Although I grew up attending church, as part of a family of Christian believers, I chose to pursue professional involvement in advanced manufacturing technologies and secular music instead. Both fields of endeavor yielded good accomplishments, but no ‘heart satisfaction.’ Years later, in October, 1988, I once again heard the distinct call of the Heavenly Father, calling me to Himself, and to preparation for a life in ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This time, I listened intently, and made the quality decision to be led by the Holy Spirit into the fullness of God’s Plan for my life.
My Journey:
Since March 31, 1989, I have been focused on preaching, teaching, and healing in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Also, in early 1989, I received two directives from the Holy Spirit:
1) “Advance the Kingdom of God” and, 2) “No More Church As Usual.” As a result, “Advance Ministries” was launched, and remains as the central outreach ministry of my appointment by God. My focused intent is to feed the Body of Christ with the fullness of God’s Word, and the fullness of God’s Spirit, causing the people of God to grow up into the maturity of Christ, and come into ‘unity of the faith,’ in readiness for the Catching Away that is coming.
During the last twenty-two years, I have enjoyed serving the Body of Christ in the capacities of interim pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, prison/jail minister, teaching pastor, and missionary. I’ve pastored and/or ministered in many different denominational churches, as well as many inter and non-denominational churches and fellowships. My prison/jail work has reached into penal facilities at the county, state, and federal levels, in most of the states of the U.S. Foreign missions have taken me into seven different countries in Africa, as well as England, Canada, and Mexico. And, current plans include missions into India, and additional countries in Africa.
In 1999, with my wife and best friend Sherry, I co-founded “Embassy Of Christ, Inc.”, a full-gospel, Word of Faith 501(c)3 non-profit church corporation, with “Advance Ministries” as a licensed outreach ministry. This Holy Spirit-baptized congregation of truly world-outreaching believers is located primarily in Evansville, Indiana; endearingly renamed “Heavensville.”
What I do?
Through Biblical apostolic anointings, I endeavor to remain a ‘man after God’s Own heart.’ “Embassy Of Christ” / “Advance Ministries” is a ‘heart’ ministry from the ‘Heart’ of the Father, to people who need the Reality of Christ Jesus throughout the world.

Sherry Gregory
Senior Pastor
Sister Sherry Gregory was born again and recognized the call of God to ministry at age 17, at a youth conference called Explo ’72, in Dallas Texas at the Cotton Bowl Stadium. Sherry grew up attending church, with her family at the Springfield United Methodist Church, in Springfield, VA. Many wonderful memories are associated with her growing up with stable church-going parents, but none matches the salvation experience at that Billy Graham/Bill Bright conference.
Later on that year, at Camp Highroad in the Shenandoah Mountains, she, along with a group of teen aged friends from the Springfield United Methodist Church, was baptized in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. What a joyful revelation, which years later would be proven to be the very thing that sustained her through many hard times and challenges of life in years to come. Sherry prayed for the ability to minister to all types of people in different cultures and social backgrounds, and truly this has come to pass in a wonderful way. The driving scripture that has been a part of Sherry’s life since she turned her life completely over to Jesus is I John 5:4-7.
Sherry believes that she is called to minister to the Body of Christ with the fullness of God’s Word, and the fullness of God’s Spirit overflowing from her as she is led by God. Sherry has often taught about the importance of the Body of Christ gaining maturity concerning ‘unity of the faith,’ the tearing down of denominational separation, as well as each born-again believer truly realizing who they are IN Christ so that they will be truly ready for the ‘Catching Away’at Jesus’ appearing in the clouds will be. (Ephesians 4:11-16).
A specific part of Sherry’s calling is ministry to women; from those in crisis, to those who are seeking to further develop the ministry that was placed in their hearts but that who have not had a chance or the correct tools by which to fulfill that calling. Bringing women out of bondage and into the freedom to BE the minister that God has called them to be; to their families, in the work place, and in the marketplace, is a deep passion of Sherry’s heart.
Pastor Sherry as a worshipper leads the Body of Christ to enjoy the true fellowship with the Lord through music ministry, and as a strong believer in the power of prayer, leads the Body of Christ into intimate fellowship with the Lord.
In December of 1995 Sherry and Bob Gregory were married and began the quest to establish their new marriage united in purpose and focus to fulfill the ministry that God had placed on the inside of both of them, individually and as a married couple. Since licensure and ordination with Jerry Savelle Ministries Int’l in 1997/98, Sherry has been serving her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in areas such as street outreach, 12-step / self help ministry, prison & jail teaching and mentoring, pastoral counseling, youth pastoring, teaching, evangelism, and senior co-pastoring. In 2015 Pastor Sherry was privileged to be ordained with the laying on of hands by Dr. Mark T. Barclay, a preacher of righteousness with whom the Lord has set Pastors Bob and Sherry with as their pastor. We know that five-fold ministers also need a Pastor and someone who can lead and guide them. Pastoring can be one of the most difficult offices to hold in the kingdom of God.
Sherry and her husband, Robert Gregory have ministered music, preaching and teaching in non-denominational, denominational, and interdenominational settings, as well as in prisons and jails at the county, state, and federal levels, in most of the states of the U.S. Having overcome alcohol and drug addiction herself, being now 28 years clean and sober, Sherry has developed an Embassy Of Christ 12-step drug and alcohol self-help program, called H.O.P.E. (Having Overcoming Power in Every Circumstance). She has led co-dependency classes, and has also developed a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program.
In 1999, Sister Sherry, and her husband and best friend, Robert, co-founded “Embassy Of Christ International, Inc.”, a full-gospel, Word of Faith 501(c) 3 non-profit Church Corporation. Now Embassy Of Christ operates with Robert Gregory Ministries, the head organization and Advance Ministries as a licensed outreach ministry. This Holy Spirit-baptized congregation of truly world-outreaching believers is located primarily in Evansville, Indiana; endearingly renamed “Heavensville.” Sister Sherry Gregory believes with all of her heart that “Embassy Of Christ International, Inc.” is a ‘heart’ ministry from the ‘Heart’ of the Father, to people who need the Reality of Christ Jesus throughout the world. (Jeremiah 3:15) As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, her current plans also include missions into India, and Africa with Pastor Robert and Embassy Of Christ.
Sherry is a passionate and bold, yet humble and respectful teacher, encourager and motivational speaker. If you would like to schedule Pastor Sherry to come and speak at your church, women’s group or community organization, you may contact Pastor Sherry Gregory by emailing her from the E.O.C. website, tweeting her, or contacting her on Face Book or messenger.
Later on that year, at Camp Highroad in the Shenandoah Mountains, she, along with a group of teen aged friends from the Springfield United Methodist Church, was baptized in the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues. What a joyful revelation, which years later would be proven to be the very thing that sustained her through many hard times and challenges of life in years to come. Sherry prayed for the ability to minister to all types of people in different cultures and social backgrounds, and truly this has come to pass in a wonderful way. The driving scripture that has been a part of Sherry’s life since she turned her life completely over to Jesus is I John 5:4-7.
Sherry believes that she is called to minister to the Body of Christ with the fullness of God’s Word, and the fullness of God’s Spirit overflowing from her as she is led by God. Sherry has often taught about the importance of the Body of Christ gaining maturity concerning ‘unity of the faith,’ the tearing down of denominational separation, as well as each born-again believer truly realizing who they are IN Christ so that they will be truly ready for the ‘Catching Away’at Jesus’ appearing in the clouds will be. (Ephesians 4:11-16).
A specific part of Sherry’s calling is ministry to women; from those in crisis, to those who are seeking to further develop the ministry that was placed in their hearts but that who have not had a chance or the correct tools by which to fulfill that calling. Bringing women out of bondage and into the freedom to BE the minister that God has called them to be; to their families, in the work place, and in the marketplace, is a deep passion of Sherry’s heart.
Pastor Sherry as a worshipper leads the Body of Christ to enjoy the true fellowship with the Lord through music ministry, and as a strong believer in the power of prayer, leads the Body of Christ into intimate fellowship with the Lord.
In December of 1995 Sherry and Bob Gregory were married and began the quest to establish their new marriage united in purpose and focus to fulfill the ministry that God had placed on the inside of both of them, individually and as a married couple. Since licensure and ordination with Jerry Savelle Ministries Int’l in 1997/98, Sherry has been serving her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in areas such as street outreach, 12-step / self help ministry, prison & jail teaching and mentoring, pastoral counseling, youth pastoring, teaching, evangelism, and senior co-pastoring. In 2015 Pastor Sherry was privileged to be ordained with the laying on of hands by Dr. Mark T. Barclay, a preacher of righteousness with whom the Lord has set Pastors Bob and Sherry with as their pastor. We know that five-fold ministers also need a Pastor and someone who can lead and guide them. Pastoring can be one of the most difficult offices to hold in the kingdom of God.
Sherry and her husband, Robert Gregory have ministered music, preaching and teaching in non-denominational, denominational, and interdenominational settings, as well as in prisons and jails at the county, state, and federal levels, in most of the states of the U.S. Having overcome alcohol and drug addiction herself, being now 28 years clean and sober, Sherry has developed an Embassy Of Christ 12-step drug and alcohol self-help program, called H.O.P.E. (Having Overcoming Power in Every Circumstance). She has led co-dependency classes, and has also developed a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren program.
In 1999, Sister Sherry, and her husband and best friend, Robert, co-founded “Embassy Of Christ International, Inc.”, a full-gospel, Word of Faith 501(c) 3 non-profit Church Corporation. Now Embassy Of Christ operates with Robert Gregory Ministries, the head organization and Advance Ministries as a licensed outreach ministry. This Holy Spirit-baptized congregation of truly world-outreaching believers is located primarily in Evansville, Indiana; endearingly renamed “Heavensville.” Sister Sherry Gregory believes with all of her heart that “Embassy Of Christ International, Inc.” is a ‘heart’ ministry from the ‘Heart’ of the Father, to people who need the Reality of Christ Jesus throughout the world. (Jeremiah 3:15) As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, her current plans also include missions into India, and Africa with Pastor Robert and Embassy Of Christ.
Sherry is a passionate and bold, yet humble and respectful teacher, encourager and motivational speaker. If you would like to schedule Pastor Sherry to come and speak at your church, women’s group or community organization, you may contact Pastor Sherry Gregory by emailing her from the E.O.C. website, tweeting her, or contacting her on Face Book or messenger.

James Russell
Assistant Minister of Ministry Of Helps, Outreach & Evangelism, Accounting & Finance
James is originally from the small town of Gunnison, MS. He graduated from high school at Bayou Academy in Cleveland, MS and then attended Delta State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in sports management. Then James, moved to Lakewood, CO to attend the Colorado School of Trades where he earned an associate degree in gunsmithing. Upon completing all his secondary education, James was offered and accepted a position in Terre Haute, IN.
After moving to Indiana in March of 2005, James met his future wife, Julie, in Terre Haute at their place of employment. He and Julie worked together for a few years while she finished school. They were married August 27, 2011 and now live in Newburgh, IN with their two beautiful children, Archer and Brylee. They all enjoy the presence of God, especially while in His great outdoors. The entire family really enjoys hunting, fishing, camping and most other outdoor activities.
In April 2012 James and Julie found the pastors God had set in place for them and joined Embassy of Christ International. They have been faithful members ever since. Since joining the church James has grown tremendously in the Word and Spirit of God. He has been a part of most ministry activities, including sitting on the corporate board of directors, going to prison to minister and traveling to conferences with the pastors.
In late summer of 2016, James was licensed with Embassy of Christ International and began Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) later that fall. He then moved on to full ordination in December of 2017 and continued attending SMTI for the full three years of the school, graduating in May of 2019.
After moving to Indiana in March of 2005, James met his future wife, Julie, in Terre Haute at their place of employment. He and Julie worked together for a few years while she finished school. They were married August 27, 2011 and now live in Newburgh, IN with their two beautiful children, Archer and Brylee. They all enjoy the presence of God, especially while in His great outdoors. The entire family really enjoys hunting, fishing, camping and most other outdoor activities.
In April 2012 James and Julie found the pastors God had set in place for them and joined Embassy of Christ International. They have been faithful members ever since. Since joining the church James has grown tremendously in the Word and Spirit of God. He has been a part of most ministry activities, including sitting on the corporate board of directors, going to prison to minister and traveling to conferences with the pastors.
In late summer of 2016, James was licensed with Embassy of Christ International and began Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) later that fall. He then moved on to full ordination in December of 2017 and continued attending SMTI for the full three years of the school, graduating in May of 2019.
Julie Russell
Assistant Minister of Engagement and Outreach & Evangelism
Julie grew up in West Terre Haute, IN with her wonderful parents and family. She finished high school and moved away to college on a soccer scholarship and to start nursing school. She transferred back home to Indiana State University after 2 years and completed her Bachelor of Nursing at Indiana State University. Her first nursing job out of college was as a Med/Surg nurse for 4 years, while attending grad school the last 2 of those years. She completed her master’s degree in nursing at age 27 and moved to Evansville where she continues to work as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
Julie met her husband, James in 2005 while they worked together in Terre Haute, and they later married in 2011 and have two beautiful children, Archer and Brylee. The entire family enjoys spending time in God's great outdoors together hunting, fishing, camping and visiting family.
Julie attended Supernatural Ministries Training Institute was licensed and ordained through Embassy of Christ International during that time. She also enjoys working wherever she is needed in the Helps Ministry along with the rest of our team.
Julie met her husband, James in 2005 while they worked together in Terre Haute, and they later married in 2011 and have two beautiful children, Archer and Brylee. The entire family enjoys spending time in God's great outdoors together hunting, fishing, camping and visiting family.
Julie attended Supernatural Ministries Training Institute was licensed and ordained through Embassy of Christ International during that time. She also enjoys working wherever she is needed in the Helps Ministry along with the rest of our team.

Curtis Lindaas
Assistant Minister of Media, Sound & Audio Visual Production
Curtis joined Embassy of Christ in 2012. He was licensed in August 2016 with Embassy of Christ International and began Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) later that fall. He moved on to full ordination in December 2017. He completed SMTI in May 2019. He has been a part of the Media ministry team since joining the church in 2012.

Sean Louis
Assistant Minister of Ushers & Security and Head of EOCI LIFE Fitness Team
Growing up around the church, Sean came to know Jesus at 14 years old. Without any mentorship or examples in his life he never know how to walk with Christ. It wasn’t until 2008 he was introduced to group of group of Godly men who started mentoring him, and taught him to be a man of faith. This path lead him to his pastors in 2014, and EOCI has been his home ever since.
He began Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) in 2016 and was licensed and ordained with Embassy of Christ International during his time in school.
He began Supernatural Ministries Training Institute (SMTI) in 2016 and was licensed and ordained with Embassy of Christ International during his time in school.